CHECK request form instructions

Link to Check Request Form

Step 1: Gather Documents

1. Ask your Advisor or Club Treasurer for permission to get a refund. Remember that refunds are not guaranteed.

2. Ask your Advisor or Club Treasurer for the “account” (org key) that will pay for your reimbursement. Ask if this is a “State” or “Corporation” fund. If your Advisor or Club Treasurer doesn’t know, they can email

3. Take a scan or picture of your recipes (if necessary). Make sure the vendor, items, prices, and totals are all visible.

4. Find your “proof of purchase” for each receipt, which could be a bank statement, credit card statement, or screen capture from your bank or credit card.

5. Make sure that your name and the charge is visible, but you can redact your bank account number, other charges, or any other private information.

6. Make sure that the amount on each receipt matches the amount on each proof of purchase.

Step 2: Fill out the Reimbursement or Check Request Form

1. Download the appropriate Check Request form.

2. Enter the date, your name, and your address.

3. Check the box to mark your role.

4. List the receipts you’re claiming, with their amount.

a. If you have multiple receipts, number each receipt and proof of purchase in order. You can put this number in the document title or add it to the picture or pdf with the editor of your choice.

5. Select whether to pick up your check or have it mailed.

6. You do not need to fill out the accounting section on the form, but be sure to send us the “account” (Org Key) in the body of your email.

7. Do not sign the form, as we will send it to you for signature when the form is processed.

Step 3: Email us your Documents

1. Email with the following:

a. payment account (Org Key)

b. Excel Check Request form

c. Receipts

d. Proof of payment  

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