Prerequisite Course Waiver Form (via Adobe Sign)

This form is required for all students who want to take a mechanical engineering course (ME prefix), but either the registration system does not recognize a prerequisite or the student is missing the prerequisite but has relevant knowledge that will allow them to succeed in the course they want to take. Note that mechanical engineering students who are requesting a waiver of a prerequisite for a required mechanical engineering course are not likely to be approved. Please make sure to apply for the waiver to the lecture instructor with the section number you want to add, not your lab

Special Problems Form (via Adobe Sign)

After the form is signed by your instructor and department chair, you’ll receive an email so you can download the PDF. If you are approved to use ME400 for technical elective credit via this form, you need to attach the signed form to a course substitution request to get the credit on your transcript.  You can start the course substitution process here:

Time Conflict Request (E-Form)

This request form will be sent directly to your major College Advising Center upon completion.  You must use this request form to ask your Advising Center to begin certain Office of the Registrar forms on your behalf.

Updated 1/4/2021