Assistant Professor
Office: 13-242
Phone Number: 805-756-7904
Email: jpeuker@calpoly.edu
Curriculum Vitae (.pdf)
Research Interests
Specialization: Thermal-Fluids, HVAC&R
A proud graduate of Cal Poly Mechanical Engineering program, Dr. Mott returned to teach at Cal Poly in 2014. She earned a MS and PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, then worked in Alaska before making her way back to California. Dr. Mott has a love for thermodynamics, especially in the area of sustainability and energy usage in buildings. She has a passion for working with students and supporting each student as they need to be supported. Her door is always open to discuss life, struggles, successes and class work.
Research Interests
- Thermodynamics
- Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration
- Thermal Comfort
- Building Energy Usage
- Building Sustainability
- Energy-Water Nexus
- Engineering Education
- Team-Based Learning
Learn more about Dr. Mott’s research: CPTC
Make an Appointment: https://calendly.com/jmottpeuker