Ramanan Sritharan

Assistant Professor

Office: 13-267

Phone Number:  805-756-0668
Email: rsrithar@calpoly.edu

Zoom | LinkedIn | Google Scholar

Fall 2024 Office Hours: MW 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM


ME 329-01


ME 329-02




  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Wichita State University, 2022
  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, Wichita State University, 2017
  • BE, Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, 2008

Professional Experience

  • Assistant Professor  – September 2023 – Current
    • Department of Mechanical Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo, CA
  • Post Doc Teaching Fellow  – September 2022 – August 2023
    • Department of Mechanical Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo, CA
  • Teaching and Research Assistant  – August 2018 – August 2022
    • Department of Mechanical Engineering, Multifunctional Nanocomposites Laboratory, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS
  • Design Engineer  – December 2008 – July 2018
    • Spirit Aerosystems, Mitsubishi Regional Jet, Johnson Controls, Ford Motor Company
    • Projects Worked  – Airbus A350, Boeing 737, Boeing NMA, MRJ90, 2013 Ford Fusion, 2015 Ford Edge
    • Commodities Worked  – Aircraft Structures (Composites) and Automobile Interiors (Plastics)

Research Interests

  • Analytical modeling of nanocomposites
  • Design, fabrication, and testing of composites and nanocomposites
  • Material Characterization


  • R. Sritharan and D. Askari, “Enhancing the short-beam strength of composite laminates using helical carbon nanotubes,” Composites Part B: Engineering, 108999, May. 2021, doi:org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.108999
  • R. Sritharan and D. Askari, “Improvement of the tensile properties of laminated composites reinforced with Heli-Coil forms of carbon nanotubes,” Polym. Compos., vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 7070–7083, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.27619, doi: 10.1002/pc.27619
  • R. Sritharan and D. Askari, “A Design of Experiment Study to Investigate the Effects of Hardener Concentration, Stirring Time, and Air Bubbles on the Tensile Strength of Epoxy Resin,” Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 2022;54(7):1129-1147, doi:10.1177/00952443221131197
  • Sritharan, R. and Askari, D., “Effects of Helical Carbon Nanotubes on Mechanical Performance of Laminated Composites and Bonded Joints,” SAE Int. J. Adv. \& Curr. Prac. in Mobility 2(3):1189-1195, 2020, doi: 10.4271/2020-01-0029
  • Sritharan, R. and Askari, D., “Interlaminar Properties Improvement of Nanocomposites Using Coiled Nanomaterials,” SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0027, 2021, doi.org/10.4271/2021-01-0027
  • Sritharan, Ramanan; Taklimi, Sean Reza; Ghazinezami, Ali; Askari, Davood. 2018. “Mechanical Properties Improvement of Polymeric Nanocomposites Reinforced with Chemically Treated Helical Carbon Nanotubes: Influence of Sonication Time and Molarities of Nitric-Sulfuric-Hydrochloric Acids” 5th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2018, Paper TP18-0378
  • Sritharan, Ramanan; Askari, Davood. 2022. “Enhancement of the Mechanical Properties and Bonding of Composite Laminates and Assemblies using Carbon Nano-Coils” 9th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2022, DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.22.0137
  • Sritharan, Ramanan; Askari, Davood. 2023. “Analytical Modeling of a 3-Phase Nanocomposite Cylindrical Unit Cell with Orthotropic Constituents” 10th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2023, DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.23.0177
  • Sritharan, Ramanan; Taklimi, Sean Reza; Ghazinezami, Ali; Askari, Davood. 2024. “Chemically Treated Helical Carbon Nanotubes Reinforcement for Polymeric Nanocomposites: Influence of Sonication Time and Treatment Sequence with a Mixture of Nitric-Sulfuric- Hydrochloric Acids at High Molarities” 11th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2024, DOI: 10.33599/nasampe/c.24.0302

Teaching Interests

  • ME 328 – Design for Strength and Stiffness
  • ME 329 – Mechanical Systems Design
  • ME 428 – Senior Design Project I
  • ME 429 – Senior Design Project II
  • ME 430 – Senior Design Project III

Clubs and Committees

  • Advisor for Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) Club
  • Advisor for Indian Student Association (ISA)
  • ME Department’s Graduate Committee
  • ME Department’s Manufacturing Concentration Committee

Awards and Honors

  • Recipient of graduate school’s Dora Wallace Hodgson outstanding doctoral student award 2022
  • Sritharan, R. 2022. Material properties improvement of laminated composites using nanoscale reinforcements– In Proceedings: 18th Annual Symposium on Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects. Wichita, KS: Wichita State University2nd place award winner
  • Recipient of graduate school’s Dora Wallace Hodgson outstanding doctoral student award 2020
  • Sritharan, R. 2020. Application of helical carbon nanotubes for the improvement of mechanical properties of laminated composites and bonded joints — In Proceedings: 16th Annual Symposium on Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects. Wichita, KS: Wichita State University, p.611st place award winner
  • Sritharan, Ramanan, Taklimi, Sean Reza, Ghazinezami, Ali. 2019. Mechanical properties improvement of polymeric nanocomposites reinforced with chemically functionalized helical carbon nanotubes: Influence of processing time and molarities of acids — In Proceedings: 15th Annual Symposium on Graduate Research and Scholarly Projects. Wichita, KS: Wichita State University4th place award winner
  • Sritharan, R. 2019. Effects of Carbon Nanotubes Geometries on Flexural Properties and Shear Strength of Laminated Polymeric Nanocomposites — In Proceedings: The Composites and Advanced Materials Expo (CAMX) 2019, Anaheim, CA. – Third Runner Up